Articles about EOSDA Crop Monitoring features and uses
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Mask, Layer, And Indices: New In EOSDA Crop Monitoring
Explore the new features added to EOSDA Crop Monitoring in Q3 2024: cloud/shadow mask management, Planet data integration, new indices, activity recommendations, and mustard growth stages.

EOSDA Crop Monitoring Adds John Deere Data Integration
EOSDA Crop Monitoring users can add their John Deere data to the platform for automated data transfer and optimized VRA mapping capabilities.

EOSDA Crop Monitoring: Map Builder Feature Rolled Out
EOSDA Crop Monitoring users can now leverage their machinery’s yield data to optimize input use and crop performance with the VRA mapping capabilities of the Map Builder feature.

Updated VRA Maps And More: New In EOSDA Crop Monitoring
Explore the latest EOSDA Crop Monitoring features, including redesigned VRA maps, crop variety integration, global risk maps, free Davis station access, and more, all released in Q2 2024.

Free Access To EOSDA Crop Monitoring For Ukrainian Farmers
EOSDA, an expert on the local market, provides Ukrainian farmers, agrarians, and agribusinesses with 500 hectares of free access to EOSDA Crop Monitoring in 2024 for a period of 3 months.

Yield Estimation & More: New In EOSDA Crop Monitoring
EOSDA Crop Monitoring is constantly developing and answering clients’ demands for precision agriculture features. Discover January-March 2024 updates: Yield estimation, Typical growth index, and more.

EOSDA Crop Monitoring Gets Disease Risk Analytics
EOSDA Crop Monitoring now includes a Disease Risk feature that enables the dynamic assessment of biotic and abiotic stress factors in plants, thereby facilitating precision agriculture practices.

Multilayer, Disease Risk & More: New In EOSDA Crop Monitoring
EOSDA Crop Monitoring is growing, introducing highly demanded precision agriculture features. Discover July-September 2023 updates: Multilayer Maps, Disease Risk, Crop Rotation, and more.

Geotags, Seasons & More: New In EOSDA Crop Monitoring
EOSDA Crop Monitoring continues evolving. Discover new features of April-June 2023: scout coordinates, mobile HD images, seasons management & more.