MODIS MCD43A4 Satellite Images

The purpose of the MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) system is to collect data for calibrated global interactive Earth models as a single system. These models predict global changes with sufficient accuracy to inform decisions concerning environmental protection. Both Terra- and Aqua-MODIS instruments view the entire surface of the Earth every 1 to 2 days, acquiring data across 36 spectral MODIS bands from 0.4s to 14.4 μm. The MODIS satellite survey materials have a wide range of applications for the study of the atmosphere, land, and ocean.

The main atmospheric research areas that benefit from MODIS are cloud cover, aerosols, and water vapor; all important climate-forming factors. Central to MODIS research is the study of the ozone layer. Channel 30 (9.580-9.880 μm) operates in the area of ozone absorption and is specifically designed for studying the total thickness of the ozone layer in the troposphere and stratosphere. Both day and night survey data are used in the calculation of this value. The resulting images have a resolution of 5 km and are used not only to study the dynamics of the ozone layer, but also for atmospheric correction of other MODIS images, and the study of jet streams in the atmosphere.

Water vapor, one of the main greenhouse gases, is easily detected by the MODIS system, which measures gas concentrations in the air column under the satellite by the transparency of the atmosphere in the absorption zone of water vapor. The water vapor content is obtained from daytime imaging data in the near infrared range with a resolution of 1 km, as well as data from day and night photography in the zones of the thermal range with a resolution of 5 km. These measurements are used to study the global water cycle, the interaction between aerosols and clouds, the energy balance and the Earth’s climate.

MCD43A4 provides the 500 meter reflectance data of the MODIS “land” bands 1-7 adjusted using the bidirectional reflectance distribution function to model the values as if they were collected from a nadir view.

Modis MCD43A4 Characteristics

Characteristic Description
Temporal Granularity February 2000 — Present
Spatial Extent Global
File Size ~20.51 MB
Coordinate System Sinusoidal
Datum N/A
Geographic Dimensions ~1200 km x 1200 km
Number of Science Dataset (SDS) Layers 14
Columns/Rows 2400 x 2400
Pixel Size ~500
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Modis MCD43A4 Bands

Band Wavelength (nm) Resolution (m) Primary Use
1 620–670 250 Land/Cloud/Aerosols Boundaries
2 841–876 250 Land/Cloud/Aerosols Boundaries
3 459–479 500 Land/Cloud/Aerosols Properties
4 545–565 500 Land/Cloud/Aerosols Properties
5 1230–1250 500 Land/Cloud/Aerosols Properties
6 1628–1652 500 Land/Cloud/Aerosols Properties
7 2105–2155 500 Land/Cloud/Aerosols Properties
8 405–420 1000 Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry
9 438–448 500 Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry
10 483–493 1000 Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry
11 526–536 1000 Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry
12 546–556 1000 Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry
13 662–672 1000 Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry
14 673–683 1000 Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry
15 743–753 1000 Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry
16 862–877 1000 Ocean Color/ Phytoplankton/ Biogeochemistry
17 890–920 1000 Atmospheric/Water Vapor
18 931–941 1000 Atmospheric/Water Vapor
19 915–965 1000 Atmospheric/Water Vapor
20 3.660–3.840 1000 Surface/Cloud Temperature
21 3.929–3.989 1000 Surface/Cloud Temperature
22 3.929–3.989 1000 Surface/Cloud Temperature
23 4.020–4.080 1000 Surface/Cloud Temperature
24 4.433–4.498 1000 Atmospheric Temperature
25 4.482–4.549 1000 Atmospheric Temperature
26 1.360–1.390 1000 Cirrus Clouds/Water Vapor
27 6.535–6.895 1000 Cirrus Clouds/Water Vapor
28 7.175–7.475 1000 Cirrus Clouds/Water Vapor
29 8.400–8.700 1000 Cloud Properties
30 9.580–9.880 1000 Ozone
31 10.780–11.280 1000 Surface/Cloud Temperature
32 11.770–12.270 1000 Surface/Cloud Temperature
33 13.185–13.485 1000 Cloud Top/Altitude
34 13.485–13.785 1000 Cloud Top/Altitude
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Examples Of The MODIS MCD43A4 Satellite Images