Case studies by EOS Data Analytics
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Kakhovka Dam Flooding Detection In Ukraine For PEJ
EOSDA helped Project Expedite Justice calculate the flooding of the surrounding area around the Kakhovka Dam destruction on June 6, 2023, for the justice report for the International Criminal Court.

Serhii Klimov Found Soil Water Stress Via EOSDA’s Tools
Serhii Klimov and his colleague used EOSDA Crop Monitoring to calculate how much water did Kakhovka Dam reservoir supplied to the southern Kherson fields a year prior to its destruction in 2023.

EOSDA Provides Data Access For Nebraskan Forest Service
Kun-Yuan Lee, a Conservation Forester GIS specialist at the Nebraska Forest Service, was able to monitor the extensive forest territory remotely with the help of the EOSDA LandViewer.

Agribest Confirmed Its Research With Remote Sensing
EOSDA Crop Monitoring is helping Agribest to confirm and strengthen its data and showcase the effects of its product research to its clients and push innovation into Mexican agriculture.

Land Biomass In Brazil Calculated Using Remote Sensing
The Brazilian scientists participated in the EOSDA Academic Outreach Program to use satellite imagery analytics to calculate land biomass, predict productivity, and apply fertilizers in pasture areas.

EOSDA Solutions Accelerate Research And Development
Scientists are utilizing EOSDA Crop Monitoring to select test sites for research and monitor the performance of their innovative products on farmers' fields in Ukraine.

Cotton Yield Estimation In Texas: Proof Of Concept
Science, data engineers, and analysts at EOS Data Analytics completed a custom project to estimate and predict cotton yields with eighty percent accuracy in five counties in Texas, the US.

Sattech Helps Calculate The River Basin Curve Changes
The Argentinian science team participated in the EOSDA Academic Outreach Program to use satellite imagery analytics to determine the changes in the curve number of the local river basins in Salta.

Calculating Organic Carbon Content In Ukrainian Soils
EOSDA’s Soil Scientist, Dr. Vasyl Cherlinka, calculated the organic carbon content in the Ukrainian soil for the period of 2015 to 2020 and used that data to predict the SOC for the next 20 years.