Лидия Лелеченко
Менеджер по работе с клиентами в EOS Data Analytics
Лидия Лелеченко – менеджер по работе с клиентами в компании EOS Data Analytics, являющейся глобальным поставщиком аналитики спутниковых снимков на основе искусственного интеллекта.
Лидия начала работу в EOS Data Analytics в декабре 2022 года. Она отвечает за продажи и развитие на европейских рынках.
Лидия получила степень магистра виноградарства, виноделия и маркетинга в Высшей сельскохозяйственной школе Анже (École supérieure d'agricultures d'Angers). Она имеет более 6 лет опыта работы в разных должностях, связанных с продажами SaaS-решений и исследовательской деятельностью в области сенсорного анализа.
Сейчас Лидия отвечает за расширение присутствия и повышение узнаваемости нашей компании на европейских рынках, популяризируя спутниковое дистанционное зондирование на английском, французском, итальянском и испанском языках.
Статьи этого автора

Carbon Farming: What Is It And How To Implement It
Traditionally, agriculture has produced greenhouse gas emissions rather than sequestered them. Carbon farming aims to turn this situation around while remaining economical for agribusiness players.

Carbon Credits For Farmers: How To Get And Sell
Carbon credit programs for farmers are created to enhance sustainability and generate income for farmlands. EOS Data Analytics will provide insights into how farmers can get and sell carbon credits.

Carbon Markets: Principles, Impacts, And Future Outlook
The carbon market is where ecology meets economy. Discover how these marketplaces incentivize emissions reduction across industries and why agriculture may hold the key to a low-carbon economy.

Carbon Sequestration Role And Environmental Impacts
Can people slow the pace of climate change? Yes, using carbon sequestration methods — which merit further discussion — can be the primary driver behind this positive outcome.

Primo Principio Uses Sattech For Vineyard Irrigation
Primo Principion assists vineyard farmers in Italy in controlling their irrigation and plant treatment by complementing their model with satellite imagery offered by EOSDA Crop Monitoring.

Free Access To EOSDA Crop Monitoring For Ukrainian Farmers
EOSDA, an expert on the local market, provides Ukrainian farmers, agrarians, and agribusinesses with 500 hectares of free access to EOSDA Crop Monitoring in 2024 for a period of 3 months.

Yield Estimation & More: New In EOSDA Crop Monitoring
EOSDA Crop Monitoring is constantly developing and answering clients’ demands for precision agriculture features. Discover January-March 2024 updates: Yield estimation, Typical growth index, and more.

EOS Data Analytics Joins Forces With BM Monitoring
EOSDA and BM Monitoring ally to improve and innovate agriculture and forestry by using remote sensing and data analytics in North and South America.

Carbon Offsets: Balancing Out Negative Eco-Footprint
For businesses eager to address climate change but facing technical constraints in reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, carbon offsetting offers an opportunity to still make a difference.