EOS Data Analytics: Space solutions for Earth problems

We leverage the capabilities of geospatial data analytics to drive agriculture, forestry and sustainability across the globe.

EOS Data Analytics is at the forefront of harnessing the power of satellite technologies to drive businesses with fast and actionable data while preserving the environment. We are among the lead global geospatial data providers specialized in generating sustainable satellite-driven AI-powered solutions in Agriculture and Forestry, with an ability to extend solutions to other niches upon request.

satellite monitoring the planet

EOSDA In a Nutshell

EOS Data Analytics a leading expert in space data analytics, with a deep focus on agriculture and forestry. Within our sustainability vision, we use gis data to globally drive business profits while preserving the environment.

Custom solutions

State-of-the-art Solutions For Overwhelming Problems

Don’t stop in the face of an agricultural challenge – EOSDA geospatial analytics solutions use satellite imagery and trained neural networks to perform big time- and resource-consuming tasks in minutes.

Crop Classification

Crop Classification

Leverage the power of geospatial data visualization with the easy-to-understand crop classification maps based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data fused with optical satellite imagery. Specific colors will be assigned to each crop type, making it super easy and convenient for use. Works for any area size.

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Yield prediction

Yield prediction

Stay ahead of the game with the geospatial yield predictive analytics allowing you to grow crops with more profits and less harm to the environment. Depending on the quality of ground truth data, estimation accuracy can be as high as 95%.

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Harvest Dynamics Monitoring

Harvest Dynamics Monitoring

Gain a deeper perspective on the progress of harvesting operations in any of your fields on a given date thanks to a powerful algorithm developed by the EOSDA Team. We remotely calculate the dry matter content to give you the most accurate data on the harvest status.

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Field boundaries detection

Field boundaries detection

Get an instant bird’s-eye view of your fields – all of them at once – with a high-level detail field boundary detection from space. We have the best experts, access to high-resolution satellite imagery and years of hand-on experience.

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Soil Moisture Analytics

Soil Moisture Analytics

Enhance your farming process and climate trend analytics with remote sensing data on soil moisture content available at surface and root levels. Data is updated every 1-2 days, allowing you to stay abreast with any unexpected changes in soil moisture levels.

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Carbon Modelling

Carbon Modelling

Help slow down climate change by keeping carbon at bay. We combine soil organic carbon (SOC) models with our expertise in geospatial data analysis to allow accurate SOC estimation. With our solution, you can save money on soil sampling without any loss in accuracy.

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EOSDA Forest Monitoring

EOSDA Forest Monitoring

Watch over your forest stands by remotely assessing forest cover and forest health, tracking deforestation and reforestation, estimating burned areas and more. With this geospatial software you can help our home planet to stay green and healthy, while also increasing your profits.

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