Manage your team effectively and effortlessly - maximize yields
- Manage access settings for team members
- Assign tasks & manage their completion
- Save time on managing your team

Managing a large team is always a challenge
Tired of constant field trips just to coordinate your teamwork?
- Feel a need for an efficient online team management tool?
- Lack of time to monitor teamwork in all of your fields?
- Can't rely on your team members because of lack of control?

What we offer
Take your productivity to the next level with Team Management
Forget the "field trips" - manage your team online
Get notifications about any activities of your team members via mobile app, web version, and email
One-stop team management solution at your fingertips
Effective remote farm control thanks to online access to all the data you need in one place
Coordinate team remotely - save time
With a team management feature, you can allocate roles online in just a few clicks
Monitor scouting operations anywhere anytime
Get notified right away
Stay updated on all the field-related events with scouting reports, weather forecasts, and more 

Become one of the world's most successful farmland managers
1 000+
farmers have created their teams
8 000+
scouts added to teams
150 000+
scout inspections completed