Task Description

To get a more detailed description of the task, select it on the Scouting tab that is divided into General and Report.


General is for the one who sets the task. It allows changing the name or description, uploading a photo of the field or closing a task in case it is completed.

general task info button


The Report tab is for scouts. Scout selects the date when the field was inspected, fills in the name of a client e.g. the owner of the field, and the number of the field, changes the field area and crop name, hybrid and sowing date using this tab.

task report button

With the help of this tool, scout adds developmental phases indicating the root thickness and the amount of leaves, sets the density of plants and makes a final review of the field indicating the state of crops and leaving an expert comment. After making all the necessary changes, the assigned person closes the task if it is completed or updates the task if needed.

content of task report


In case you need to download the report in the form of a spreadsheet, click the Export button at the top of the Task tab to be processed automatically.

report download button

Closed Tasks

When you complete the task, it’s automatically moved to the Closed tab of the Task list to be displayed as closed on the map.

closing the task